Answers for "excel vba while... "end while" doesn't work?"


excel vba while... "end while" doesn't work?

'In VBA, there is no 'While... End While' loop.

'Attempting to use the above construct will result in a compile-time

'But VBA does have two loops that use the keyword, 'While'...

While c < 100
	c = c + 1
	'But VBA does not have an 'Exit While' statement.

Do While c < 100
	c = c + 1
	If c = 75 Then Exit Do

'The 'Do Loop' can also be written as:      
	c = c + 1
	If c = 75 Then Exit Do
Loop While c < 100
'The loops can also run backward...
c = 99
While c
    'Do something with c here
	c = c - 1

c = 99
    'Do something with c here
	c = c - 1
Loop While c
Posted by: Guest on March-31-2020

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