'The double quotation mark (") is ASCII character 34, so the
'following Excel formula works:
=CHAR(34) & "Excel rocks." & CHAR(34)
'This formula will display: "Excel rocks."
'Using triple double quotes has the same result:
="""Excel rocks."""
'Including double-quote characters in VBAstring literals can be confusing.'First, realize that VBA (unlike many languages) does not recognize the
'apostrophe as a quotation mark. In JavaScript, for example you can simply
'do this:
'var s ='The " is called the double-quote character.''And since the single-quote character and the double-quote character
'are both recognized for quotation, there is no ambiguity for the compiler.'But VBA only recognizes the double-quote character as a quotation mark. As
'a result, the following VBA would be ambiguous andWILLNOT compile:
' s = "The " is called the double-quote character."
'The solution is to realize that the INTERNALdouble-quote character must be
'escaped by another double-quote character:
s = "The "" is called the double-quote character."
MsgBox s '<--displays: The " is called the double-quote character.
'Of course, the entire string literal, like all string literals, must include
'quotes both at the beginning and the end of the literal.
'Some examples:
MsgBox "" '<--displays: (Nothing... an empty string)
MsgBox " "" " '<--displays: " (1 quote w/1 space before and after)
MsgBox """" '<--displays: " (1 quote w/1 space before)
MsgBox """ " '<--displays: " (1 quote w/1 space after)
MsgBox """" '<--displays: " (1 quote)
MsgBox """""" '<--displays: ""
MsgBox """""""" '<--displays: """
MsgBox """Quoted text""" '<--displays: "Quoted text"'Remeber that the very first quote and the very last are required to denote
'the entire string literal. All of the INTERNAL quotes are escaped (doubled-up).'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'Another method is to break the text into multiple string literals and'concatenate:
MsgBox """" & "Quoted text" & """" '<--displays: "Quoted text"'Or using a constant...
Const Q As String = """"
MsgBox Q & "Quoted text" & Q '<--displays: "Quoted text"'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'Another method is to use ASCII character 34:
MsgBox Chr(34) &"Quoted text"&Chr(34) '<--displays: "Quoted text"
q =Chr(34)
MsgBox q &"Quoted text"& q '<--displays: "Quoted text"
'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Another method is to use substitution:
MsgBox Replace("/qQuoted text/q", "/q", """") '<--displays: "Quoted text"'The substitution method can really pay off if there are a lot of internal
'quotation marks that need to be included in the string literal. We are
'simply replacing embedded /q with actual double-quote characters.
''There is nothing special about /q. You could use a different code, but be
'sure to pick something unique so that you do not unintentionally replace
'inappropriate text.
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