how to open mac terminal
There are manys ways to acess the terminal;
Find it in your local aplications folder and double click
Press Command + Space and type "Terminal"
push enter once terminal is highlighted.
how to open mac terminal
There are manys ways to acess the terminal;
Find it in your local aplications folder and double click
Press Command + Space and type "Terminal"
push enter once terminal is highlighted.
new terminal in a folder mac
-- get the current directory in Finder
on run {input, parameters}
tell application "Finder"
set _cwd to quoted form of (POSIX path of (folder of the front window as alias))
end tell
end run
-- change directory in iTerm (version >= 3)
on CD_to(_cwd)
tell application "iTerm"
set _window to first window
on error
set _window to (create window with profile "Default")
end try
tell _window
tell current session
write text "cd " & _cwd & ";clear;"
end tell
end tell
end tell
end CD_to
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