c++ assignment operator overload
* Assignment operator overload in C++ is used to copy one object into another.
* Specifically, a 'deep' copy is made, such that any heap-allocated memory
* in the copied-from object is copied fresh to the copied-to object. Note also
* that the copied-to object ('this') must deallocated any of its own
* heap-allocated memory prior to making the copy.
* The assignment operator overload is called as follows:
* Array a;
* Array b;
* // ... put data in b / a ...
* a = b; // a now becomes a deep copy of b.
* See below for implementation details.
* Function: Example assignment operator overload for an Array class.
* Parameters: An Array to make a deep copy of
* Returns: A reference to the data in this (for chained assignment a = b = c)
* Effects: This is now a deep copy of other
Array& Array::operator=(const Array& other) {
if (this != &other) { // ensure no self-assignment (i.e. a = a)
clear(); // deallocate any heap-allocated memory in 'this'
copy(other); // make a deep copy of all memory in 'other' to 'this'
return *this; // return the data in 'this'
* Function: clear
* Parameters: None
* Returns: None
* Effects: Deallocates heap-allocated memory associated with this object.
void Array::clear() { delete [] data; }
* Function: copy
* Parameters: An array to make a deep copy of
* Returns: None
* Effects: Makes a deep copy of other into this.
void Array::copy(const Array& other) {
for (int = 0; i < other.len; i++) {
this->data[i] = other.data[i];
this->len = other.len;