//Program in C++ to check wheather a binary tree is a mirror/symmetric tree or not
//A binary tree is a mirror tree when it is foldable i.e it's left side and right side nodes will fall on each other when
//folded by drawing a line b/w it vertically
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct btree{
btree *left,*right;
int data;
btree(int val){
left = right = NULL;
data = val;
bool checkMirror(btree *a,btree *b){
//if both the nodes
if(!a && !b)
return true;
if(!a || !b || a->data != b->data)
return false;
return checkMirror(a->left,b->right) && checkMirror(a->right,b->left);
bool isMirror(btree *root){
if(!root) return true;
return checkMirror(root->left,root->right);
int main() {
btree *root = new btree(1);
root->left = new btree(2);
root->right = new btree(2);
root->left->left = new btree(3);
root->left->right = new btree(4);
root->right->left = new btree(4);
root->right->right = new btree(3);
return 0;