Answers for "c++ over load operator"


c++ over load operator

// This will substract one vector (math vector) from another
// Good example of how to use operator overloading

vec2 operator - (vec2 const &other) {
    return vec2(x - other.x, y - other.y);
Posted by: Guest on February-12-2021

operator ++ overloading c++

class Point
	Point& operator++() { ... }		// prefix
	Point operator++(int) { ... }	// postfix
  	friend Point& operator++(Point &p);			// friend prefix
  	friend Point operator++(Point &p, int);		// friend postfix
  	// in Microsoft Docs written "friend Point& operator++(Point &p, int);"
Posted by: Guest on August-15-2020

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