how to show navmesh agent destination in editor unity
var line : LineRenderer; //to hold the line Renderer
var target : Transform; //to hold the transform of the target
var agent : NavMeshAgent; //to hold the agent of this gameObject
function Start(){
line = GetComponent(LineRenderer); //get the line renderer
agent = GetComponent(NavMeshAgent); //get the agent
function getPath(){
line.SetPosition(0, transform.position); //set the line's origin
agent.SetDestination(target.position); //create the path
yield WaitForEndOfFrame(); //wait for the path to generate
agent.Stop();//add this if you don't want to move the agent
function DrawPath(path : NavMeshPath){
if(path.corners.Length < 2) //if the path has 1 or no corners, there is no need
line.SetVertexCount(path.corners.Length); //set the array of positions to the amount of corners
for(var i = 1; i < path.corners.Length; i++){
line.SetPosition(i, path.corners[i]); //go through each corner and set that to the line renderer's position