c# float
float myFloat = 1f;
const float c#
const int X = 0;
public const double GravitationalConstant = 6.673e-11;
private const string ProductName = "Visual C#";
what is float in c#
//whole in c# sharp is (like in a lot of languages)
//a variable that can contain numbers and fractions
//contrast int that is used just for integers
c# integer part of float
GetIntPart(343564564.4342) >> 343564564
GetIntPart(-323489.32) >> -323489
GetIntPart(324) >> 324
how to make public float on c#
public float (what you want to name it);
c# how to take from a float
public float NumberFloat = 10f;
public float TakeFloat = 10f;
// To take a float from another float:
NumberFloat = NumberFloat - TakeFloat;
// To take a number from a float:
NumberFloat = NumberFloat - 10f;
//Have a nice day, thanks for reading.
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