simple program in c# for vs code .net console
//You should start writing your own code this will give you a headstart (This is tooken from Brakeys tut ) using System; namespace C__Learning // Here Input Your Folder Name. { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //Change the color of Text Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Title = "C#Learning"; Console.WindowHeight = 40; //Creating Var for input Double num01; Double num02; //Writing a line in terminal saying Input a number: Console.Write(" Input a number: "); //converting it to a double because its og is a string num01 = Convert.ToDouble( Console.ReadLine()); // gettin a second number Console.Write("Input a second number: "); //converting it to a double because its og is a string again num02 = Convert.ToDouble( Console.ReadLine()); // multiplying both the numbers Double result = num01 * num02; //Giving the Result Console.WriteLine("The result is " + result); //Waiting for a key too close the program At the end Console.ReadKey(); } } } // this is for educational purposes.