Answers for "linq in c#"


linq in c#

// Data source
string[] names = {"Bill", "Steve", "James", "Mohan" };

// LINQ Query 
var myLinqQuery = from name in names
                where name.Contains('a')
                select name;
// Query execution
foreach(var name in myLinqQuery)
    Console.Write(name + " ");
Posted by: Guest on May-26-2020

linq in c#

class LINQQueryExpressions
    static void Main()

        // Specify the data source.
        int[] scores = new int[] { 97, 92, 81, 60 };

        // Define the query expression.
        IEnumerable<int> scoreQuery =
            from score in scores
            where score > 80
            select score;

        // Execute the query.
        foreach (int i in scoreQuery)
            Console.Write(i + " ");
// Output: 97 92 81
Posted by: Guest on May-22-2020

linq c#

List<int> collection1 = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3 };
List<int> collection2 = new List<int>() { 4, 5, 6 };

var collection3 = collection1.Concat(collection2);

foreach (int i in collection3)
Posted by: Guest on July-06-2021

linq c#

// Data source
string[] names = {"Bill", "Steve", "James", "Mohan" };

// LINQ Query 
var myLinqQuery = from name in names
                where name.Contains('a')
                select name;
// Query execution
foreach(var name in myLinqQuery)
    Console.Write(name + " ");
Posted by: Guest on June-08-2021

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