Answers for "Reflection: Using FieldInfo"


Reflection: Using FieldInfo

//FieldInfo class discovers the attributes of a field and provides access to field metadata.

//To get a list of public fields in an object, we'll use Type's GetFields method:

Type myObjectType = typeof(MyObject);

System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fieldInfo = myObjectType.GetFields();

//The FieldInfo class that gets returned actually contains a lot of useful information. 
//It also contains the ability to set that field on an instance of object- that's where the real power comes in.

//Set instance field values using Reflection API

using System;

class MyClass
	public string myString;	
	public MyClass myInstance;	
	public int myInt;
public class Program
	public static void Main()
		Type myType = typeof(MyClass);
		System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fieldInfo = myType.GetFields();		
		MyClass myClass = new MyClass();
		foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo info in fieldInfo)
		   switch (info.Name)
			  case "myString":
				 info.SetValue(myClass, "string value");
			  case "myInt":
				 info.SetValue(myClass, 42);
			  case "myInstance":
				 info.SetValue(myClass, myClass);
		//read back the field information
		foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo info in fieldInfo)
		   Console.WriteLine(info.Name + ": " + 

myString: string value
myInstance: MyClass
myInt: 42
Posted by: Guest on August-27-2021

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