mysql C# select pk and all columns datareader
// Fill orderIDsList with OrderID's
private void btnStart_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
int iOrderID;
// Create a command to select the Order IDs from the ORDERS table
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand
("SELECT OrderID from ORDERS", con);
// Open the connection
// Get the data reader
SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
// Process each result
while (reader.Read())
// Add each order ID in the result to the list
// view containing the orders IDs. We have only
// selected a single column in this code so we
// can be pretty save in using reader.GetInit32(0)
// there are no more columns in the data reader.
iOrderID = reader.GetOrdinal("OrderID");
orderIDsList.Items.Add (reader.GetInt32(iOrderID));
// Close the reader and the connection