Answers for "input method in c#"


how to take input in c#

using System;

namespace beginner
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("what is your Name:- ");
            string userName = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.WriteLine("Hello: " + userName);

Posted by: Guest on July-01-2021

how to make an input in c#

string myName;

Console.WriteLine("Please, enter your full name here: ");
myName = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Hello, Mr. " + myName + "!");


/* OR */

Console.WriteLine("Please, enter your full name: ");
string myName = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Hello, Mr. " + myName + "!");

Posted by: Guest on November-18-2020

c# function as input

// Declare a delegate type
public delegate double MyDelegateType(double x);

// Define some consummer that uses functions of the delegate type
public double Consummer(double x, MyDelegateType f){
    return f(x);


// Define a function meant to be passed to the consummer 
// The only requirement is that it matches the signature of the delegate
public double MyFunctionMethod(double x){
    // Can add more complicated logic here
    return x;
// In practice now
public void Client(){
    double result = Consummer(1.234, x => x * 456.1234);
    double secondResult = Consummer(2.345, MyFunctionMethod);
Posted by: Guest on May-16-2021

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