Answers for "( ) mysqli_fetch_row creates an associative and numeric arrays creates a numeric array, using numeric indexes for each data field creates a file to store retrieved records in it creates an associative array, using the data field names as the array key"


mysqli load result into array

$resource = $db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = '".$userid."'");
while($row = $resource->fetch_array()) { $the_rows[] = $row; }
		/// later use like:
		//	foreach($the_rows as $row)
		//	{
		//		echo $row['product'];
		//	}
Posted by: Guest on July-29-2020

Code answers related to "( ) mysqli_fetch_row creates an associative and numeric arrays creates a numeric array, using numeric indexes for each data field creates a file to store retrieved records in it creates an associative array, using the data field names as the array key"

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