Answers for "how to centre align text in css"


css center text

/* To center text, you need to use text-align. */

.centerText {
  text-align: center; /* This puts the text into the center of the 
  screen. */

/* There are also other things that you can use in text-align:
left, right, and justify. Left and right make the test align to the
right or left of the screen, while justify makes the text align both
sides by spreading out spaces between some words and squishing others. */
Posted by: Guest on May-24-2020

css how to center text

/* Using flex to center anything*/
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center; /* Centering Horizantly */
  align-items: center; /* Centering Vertically */
  /* Every element inside this div will be centered*/
/* Using Line Height*/
  width: 50%;
  height: 40px;
.main-div p{
  line-height: 40px; /* Same as parent height*/
  /* p will be centered vertically inside its parent div*/
/* CSS Property */
  text-align: center;
Posted by: Guest on June-12-2021

css text align center

/* Character-based alignment in a table column */

text-align: center;

/* The inline contents are centered within the line box. */
Posted by: Guest on February-27-2021

css text align center

body {
  text-align: center;
Posted by: Guest on April-09-2020

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