Answers for "delay fade in css animation"


css animation fade out after delay

  transition-duration:1s; /* <= creates fade out effect */

<p onclick="" id="text">My text</p>
Posted by: Guest on May-26-2021

animation delay in css

if you have many element, whcih you want to make nice animation effact. then you 
just use same time, like all will be 2s, and make animation delay by growing like, first is 1s, second is 1.5s ... ... ... , then it will give you nice animation like tide :)

// In Example;

.s1 { animation: scale infinite linear 3s; animation-delay: 1.1s ; }
.s2 { animation: scale infinite linear 3s; animation-delay: 1.2s ; }
.s3 { animation: scale infinite linear 3s; animation-delay: 1.3s ; }
.s4 { animation: scale infinite linear 3s; animation-delay: 1.4s ; }
.s5 { animation: scale infinite linear 3s; animation-delay: 1.5s ; }
.s6 { animation: scale infinite linear 3s; animation-delay: 1.6s ; }
.s7 { animation: scale infinite linear 3s; animation-delay: 1.7s ; }
.s8 { animation: scale infinite linear 3s; animation-delay: 1.8s ; }
.s9 { animation: scale infinite linear 3s; animation-delay: 1.9s ; }
.s10{ animation: scale infinite linear 3s; animation-delay: 2.0s ; }
.s11{ animation: scale infinite linear 3s; animation-delay: 2.1s ; }
Posted by: Guest on May-25-2021

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