Answers for "attribute value html"


html value attribute

<!-- The value attribute is used to for example fill data to an input -->

<input type="text" value="I was already filled" id="textInput">

<!-- The value can be set or copied using JavaScrpit -->
	// Get your element
	var input = document.getElementById('textInput');
	// get the value
	var value = input.value;
	// set the value
	input.value = "i was changed";
Posted by: Guest on November-17-2020

html value attribute

<!-- The value attribute is used to for example fill data to an input -->

<input type="text" value="I was already filled" id="textInput">

<!-- The value can be set or copied using JavaScrpit -->
	// Get your element
	var input = document.getElementById('textInput');
	// get the value
	var value = input.value;
	// set the value
	input.value = "i was changed";
Posted by: Guest on November-17-2020

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