Answers for "right and left arrow html code"


html arrow symbol

←		←		←	←
↑		↑		↑	↑
→		→		→	→
↓		↓		↓	↓
↔		↔		↔	↔
⇐		⇐		⇐	⇐
⇑		⇑		⇑	⇑
⇒		⇒		⇒	⇒
⇓		⇓		⇓	⇓
⇔		⇔		⇔	⇔
↕		↕		↕	 
↖		↖		↖	 
↗		↗		↗	 
↘		↘		↘	 
↙		↙		↙	 
↚		↚		↚	 
↛		↛		↛	 
↜		↜		↜	
↝		↝		↝	 
↞		↞		↞	 
↟		↟		↟	 
↠		↠		↠	 
↡		↡		↡	 
↢		↢		↢	 
↣		↣		↣	 
↤		↤		↤	 
↥		↥		↥	 
↦		↦		↦	 
↧		↧		↧	 
↨		↨		↨	 
↩		↩		↩	 
↪		↪		↪	 
↫		↫		↫	 
↬		↬		↬	 
↭		↭		↭	 
↮		↮		↮	 
↯		↯		↯	
↰		↰		↰	 
↱		↱		↱	 
↲		↲		↲	 
↳		↳		↳	 
↴		↴		↴	 
↵		↵		↵	↵
↶		↶		↶	 
↷		↷		↷	 
↸		↸		↸	 
↹		↹		↹	 
↺		↺		↺	↺
↻		↻		↻	↻
↼		↼		↼	↼
↽		↽		↽	↽
↾		↾		↾	↾
↿		↿		↿	↿
⇀		⇀		⇀	⇀
⇁		⇁		⇁	⇁
⇂		⇂		⇂	⇂
⇃		⇃		⇃	⇃
⇄		⇄		⇄	⇄
⇅		⇅		⇅	⇅
⇆		⇆		⇆	⇆
⇇		⇇		⇇	⇇
⇈		⇈		⇈	⇈
⇉		⇉		⇉	⇉
⇊		⇊		⇊	⇊
⇋		⇋		⇋	⇋
⇌		⇌		⇌	⇌
⇍		⇍		⇍	⇍
⇎		⇎		⇎	⇎
⇏		⇏		⇏	⇏
⇕		⇕		⇕	⇕
⇖		⇖		⇖	⇖
⇗		⇗		⇗	⇗
⇘		⇘		⇘	⇘
⇙		⇙		⇙	⇙
⇚		⇚		⇚	⇚
⇛		⇛		⇛	⇛
⇜		⇜		⇜	&ziglarr;
⇝		⇝		⇝	⇝
⇞		⇞		⇞	 
⇟		⇟		⇟	 
⇠		⇠		!	 
⇡		⇡		Ȑ	 
⇢		⇢		℀	 
⇣		⇣		𡀀	 
⇤		⇤		�	⇤
⇥		⇥		�	⇥
⇦		⇦		�	 
⇧		⇧		�	 
⇨		⇨		�	 
⇩		⇩		�	 
⇪		⇪		⇪	 
⇫		⇫		⇫	
⇬		⇬		⇬	 
⇭		⇭		⇭	 
⇮		⇮		⇮	 
⇯		⇯		⇯	 
⇰		⇰		⇰	 
⇱		⇱		⇱	 
⇲		⇲		⇲	 
⇳		⇳		⇳	 
⇴		⇴		⇴	 
⇵		⇵		⇵	⇵
⇶		⇶		⇶	 
⇷		⇷		⇷	 
⇸		⇸		⇸	 
⇹		⇹		⇹	 
⇺		⇺		⇺	 
⇻		⇻		⇻	 
⇼		⇼		⇼	 
⇽		⇽		⇽	⇽ 
⇾		⇾		⇾	⇾	 
⇿		⇿		⇿	⇿
Posted by: Guest on April-20-2021

html arrow code

&#8592;	&larr;	<!-- left arrow -->
&#8593;	&uarr;	<!-- up arrow -->
&#8594;	&rarr;	<!-- right arrow -->
&#8595;	&darr;	<!-- down arrow -->
&#8598;	&nwarr;	<!-- north west arrow -->
&#8599;	&nearr;	<!-- north east arrow -->
&#8600;	&searr;	<!-- south east arrow -->
&#8601;	&swarr;	<!-- south west arrow -->

&#8602;	 	<!-- leftwards arrow with stroke -->
&#8603;	 	<!-- rightwards arrow with stroke -->
&#8604;	 	<!-- leftwards wave arrow -->
&#8605;	 	<!-- rightwards wave arrow -->
&#8606;	 	<!-- leftwards two headed arrow -->
&#8607;	 	<!-- upwards two headed arrow -->
&#8608;	 	<!-- rightwards two headed arrow -->
&#8609;	 	<!-- downwards two headed arrow -->
&#8610;	 	<!-- leftwards arrow with tail -->
&#8611;	 	<!-- rightwards arrow with tail -->
&#8612;	 	<!-- leftwards arrow from bar -->
&#8613;	 	<!-- upwards arrow from bar -->
&#8614;	 	<!-- rightwards arrow from bar -->
&#8615;	 	<!-- downwards arrow from bar -->
&#8616;	 	<!-- up down arrow with base -->
&#8617;	 	<!-- leftwards arrow with hook -->
&#8618;	 	<!-- rightwards arrow with hook -->
&#8619;	 	<!-- leftwards arrow with loop -->
&#8620;	 	<!-- rightwards arrow with loop -->
&#8621;	 	<!-- left right wave arrow -->
&#8622;	 	<!-- left right arrow with stroke -->
&#8623;	 	<!-- downwards zizag arrow -->
&#8624;	 	<!-- upwards arrow with tip leftwards -->
&#8625;	 	<!-- upwards arrow with tip rightwards -->
&#8626;	 	<!-- downwards arrow with tip leftwards -->
&#8627;	 	<!-- downwards arrow with tip rightwards -->
&#8628;	 	<!-- rightwards arrow with corner downwards -->
&#8629;	&crarr;	<!-- downwards arrow with corner leftwards -->
&#8630;	 	<!-- anticlockwise top semicircle arrow -->
&#8631;	 	<!-- clockwise top semicircle arrow -->
&#8632;	 	<!-- north west arrow to long bar -->
&#8633;	 	<!-- leftwards arrow to bar over rightwards arrow to bar -->
&#8634;	 	<!-- anticlockwise open circle arrow -->
&#8635;	 	<!-- clockwise open circle arrow -->

&#8636;	 	<!-- leftwards harpoon with barb upwards -->
&#8637;	 	<!-- leftwards harpoon with barb downwards -->
&#8638;	 	<!-- upwards harpoon with barb rightwards -->
&#8639;	 	<!-- upwards harpoon with barb leftwards -->
&#8640;	 	<!-- rightwards harpoon with barb upwards -->
&#8641;	 	<!-- rightwards harpoon with barb downwards -->
&#8642;	 	<!-- downwards harpoon with barb rightwards -->
&#8643;	 	<!-- downwards harpoon with barb leftwards -->

&#8644;	 	<!-- rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow -->
&#8645;	 	<!-- upwards arrow leftwards of downwards arrow -->
&#8646;	 	<!-- leftwards arrow over rightwards arrow -->
&#8647;	 	<!-- leftwards paired arrows -->
&#8648;	 	<!-- upwards paired arrows -->
&#8649;	 	<!-- rightswards paired arrows -->
&#8650;	 	<!-- downwards paired arrows -->
Posted by: Guest on February-20-2021

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