Answers for "placeholder selector"


html select placeholder

Placeholder attribute does not exist for the <select> tag.
But there are some ways to make a placeholder for the select box.
The easiest way of making a placeholder for the <select> element is using the disabled and selected attributes with the HTML5 hidden global attribute.
<select name="monthname" required>
  <option value="" selected disabled hidden>Select Month</option>
  <option value="Jan">January</option>
  <option value="Feb">February</option>
  <option value="Mar">March</option>
  <option value="Apr">April</option>
  <option value="May">May</option>
  <option value="Jun">June</option>
  <option value="Jul">July</option>
  <option value="Aug">August</option>
  <option value="Sep">September</option>
  <option value="Oct">October</option>
  <option value="Nov">November</option>
  <option value="Dec">December</option>
Posted by: Guest on April-22-2020

css style placeholder

input::-webkit-input-placeholder {/* Chrome/Opera/Safari/Edge */
	/*styles here*/

input::-ms-input-placeholder { /* Microsoft Edge */
   /*styles here*/

input:-ms-input-placeholder {/* IE 10+ */
	/*styles here*/

input::-moz-placeholder {/* Firefox 19+ */
	opacity: 1; /*Firefox by default has an opacity object that usually is ideal to reset so it matches webkit*/
	/*styles here*/

input:-moz-placeholder {/* Firefox 18- */
	opacity: 1; /*Firefox by default has an opacity object that usually is ideal to reset so it matches webkit*/
	/*styles here*/

input::placeholder {
	/*styles here*/
Posted by: Guest on February-25-2020

placeholder css

::-webkit-input-placeholder {color: pink;} /* Chrome/Opera/Safari */
::-moz-placeholder { color: pink;} /* Firefox 19+ */
:-ms-input-placeholder { color: pink;} /* IE 10+ */
:-moz-placeholder {color: pink;}  /* Firefox 18- */
Posted by: Guest on October-09-2020

html select placeholder

<option default>Select Your Beverage</option>
Posted by: Guest on March-15-2021

html css placeholder input font-size

Placeholder text will automatically inherit the font family and font size of the regular input text, but you may be in a situation where you want to change the placeholder text color. You can accomplish that with the ::placeholder pseudo-element.
Posted by: Guest on May-18-2020

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