Answers for "remove .html from url nginx"


remove .html from url nginx

The "Holy Grail" Solution for Removing ".html" in NGINX:
UPDATED ANSWER: This question piqued my curiosity, and I went on another, more in-depth search for a "holy grail" solution for .html redirects in NGINX. Here is the link to the answer I found, since I didn't come up with it myself:

However, I'll give an example and explain how it works. Here is the code:

location / {
    if ($request_uri ~ ^/(.*)\.html) {
        return 302 /$1;
    try_files $uri $uri.html $uri/ =404;
What's happening here is a pretty ingenious use of the if directive. NGINX runs a regex on the $request_uri portion of incoming requests. The regex checks if the URI has an .html extension and then stores the extension-less portion of the URI in the built-in variable $1.

From the docs, since it took me a while to figure out where the $1 came from:

Regular expressions can contain captures that are made available for later reuse in the $1..$9 variables.

The regex both checks for the existence of unwanted .html requests and effectively sanitizes the URI so that it does not include the extension. Then, using a simple return statement, the request is redirected to the sanitized URI that is now stored in $1.

The best part about this, as original author cnst explains, is that

Due to the fact that $request_uri is always constant per request, and is not affected by other rewrites, it won't, in fact, form any infinite loops.

Unlike the rewrites, which operate on any .html request (including the invisible internal redirect to /index.html), this solution only operates on external URIs that are visible to the user.

What does "try_files" do?
You will still need the try_files directive, as otherwise NGINX will have no idea what to do with the newly sanitized extension-less URIs. The try_files directive shown above will first try the new URL by itself, then try it with the ".html" extension, then try it as a directory name.

The NGINX docs also explain how the default try_files directive works. The default try_files directive is ordered differently than the example above so the explanation below does not perfectly line up:

NGINX will first append .html to the end of the URI and try to serve it. If it finds an appropriate .html file, it will return that file and will maintain the extension-less URI. If it cannot find an appropriate .html file, it will try the URI without any extension, then the URI as a directory, and then finally return a 404 error.

UPDATE: What does the regex do?
The above answer touches on the use of regular expressions, but here is a more specific explanation for those who are still curious. The following regular expression (regex) is used:

This breaks down as:

^: indicates beginning of line.

/: match the character "/" literally. Forward slashes do NOT need to be escaped in NGINX.

(.*): capturing group: match any character an unlimited number of times

\.: match the character "." literally. This must be escaped with a backslash.

html: match the string "html" literally.

The capturing group (.*) is what contains the non-".html" portion of the URL. This can later be referenced with the variable $1. NGINX is then configured to re-try the request (return 302 /$1;) and the try_files directive internally re-appends the ".html" extension so the file can be located.

UPDATE: Retaining the query string
To retain query strings and arguments passed to a .html page, the return statement can be changed to:

return 302 /$1$is_args$args;
This should allow requests such as /index.html?test to redirect to /index?test instead of just /index.

Note that this is considered safe usage of the `if` directive.
From the NGINX page If Is Evil:

The only 100% safe things which may be done inside if in a location context are:

return ...;

rewrite ... last;

Also, note that you may swap out the '302' redirect for a '301'.
A 301 redirect is permanent, and is cached by web browsers and search engines. If your goal is to permanently remove the .html extension from pages that are already indexed by a search engine, you will want to use a 301 redirect. However, if you are testing on a live site, it is best practice to start with a 302 and only move to a 301 when you are absolutely confident your configuration is working correctly.
Posted by: Guest on July-14-2021

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