Answers for "how to get svg from pucblic folder in react"


how to get svg from pucblic folder in react

<g style="opacity:1; fill:none; fill-rule:evenodd; fill-opacity:1; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:1.5; stroke-linecap:round; stroke-linejoin:round; stroke-miterlimit:4; stroke-dasharray:none; stroke-opacity:1;">
    <g style="fill:#000000; stroke:#000000; stroke-linecap:butt;">
      <path d="M 9,36 C 12.39,35.03 19.11,36.43 22.5,34 C 25.89,36.43 32.61,35.03 36,36 C 36,36 37.65,36.54 39,38 C 38.32,38.97 37.35,38.99 36,38.5 C 32.61,37.53 25.89,38.96 22.5,37.5 C 19.11,38.96 12.39,37.53 9,38.5 C 7.65,38.99 6.68,38.97 6,38 C 7.35,36.54 9,36 9,36 z"/>
      <path d="M 15,32 C 17.5,34.5 27.5,34.5 30,32 C 30.5,30.5 30,30 30,30 C 30,27.5 27.5,26 27.5,26 C 33,24.5 33.5,14.5 22.5,10.5 C 11.5,14.5 12,24.5 17.5,26 C 17.5,26 15,27.5 15,30 C 15,30 14.5,30.5 15,32 z"/>
      <path d="M 25 8 A 2.5 2.5 0 1 1  20,8 A 2.5 2.5 0 1 1  25 8 z"/>
Posted by: Guest on July-11-2021

how to get svg from pucblic folder in react

import { ReactComponent as Avatar1 } from './assets/avatar_1.svg';

use it as <Avatar1 />
Posted by: Guest on February-28-2021

how to get svg from pucblic folder in react

<symbol id="black-king" viewBox="0 0 45 45">
        <g style={{ fill: "none", fillopacity: 1, fillRule: "evenodd", stroke: "#000000", strokeWidth: 1.5, strokeLinecap: "round", strokeLinejoin: "round", strokeMiterlimit: 4, strokeDasharray: "none", strokeOpacity: 1 }}>
            <path d="M 22.5,11.63 L 22.5,6" style={{ fill: "none", stroke: "#000000", strokeLinejoin: "miter" }} id="path6570" />
            <path d="M 22.5,25 C 22.5,25 27,17.5 25.5,14.5 C 25.5,14.5 24.5,12 22.5,12 C 20.5,12 19.5,14.5 19.5,14.5 C 18,17.5 22.5,25 22.5,25" style={{ fill: "#000000", fillOpacity: 1, strokeLinecap: "butt", strokeLinejoin: "miter" }} />
            <path d="M 12.5,37 C 18,40.5 27,40.5 32.5,37 L 32.5,30 C 32.5,30 41.5,25.5 38.5,19.5 C 34.5,13 25,16 22.5,23.5 L 22.5,27 L 22.5,23.5 C 20,16 10.5,13 6.5,19.5 C 3.5,25.5 12.5,30 12.5,30 L 12.5,37" style={{ fill: "#000000", stroke: "#000000" }} />
            <path d="M 20,8 L 25,8" style={{ fill: "none", stroke: "#000000", strokeLinejoin: "miter" }} />
            <path d="M 32,29.5 C 32,29.5 40.5,25.5 38.03,19.85 C 34.15,14 25,18 22.5,24.5 L 22.5,26.6 L 22.5,24.5 C 20,18 10.85,14 6.97,19.85 C 4.5,25.5 13,29.5 13,29.5" style={{ fill: "none", stroke: "#ffffff" }} />
            <path d="M 12.5,30 C 18,27 27,27 32.5,30 M 12.5,33.5 C 18,30.5 27,30.5 32.5,33.5 M 12.5,37 C 18,34 27,34 32.5,37" style={{ fill: "none", stroke: "#ffffff" }} />
Posted by: Guest on July-11-2021

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