<h1>PAGINATION HELPER</h1> PaginationHelper used for implementation of pagination UI components and a set of Unit tests to properly test it. TECHNOLOGIES -Java 8 -Junit5 (junit.jupiter v5.8.0) COMPONENTS OF PAGINATION HELPER !! Zero Base Indexes!! -Pagination Constructor : PaginationHelper(char[], int) : Takes 2 parameters -items:char[] -itemsPerPage:int -itemCount():int : returns counts of entire items -pageCount():int : returns how many pages can be returns according to itemCount -pageIndex(int):int : determines what page an item is on. -pageItemCount(int):int : returns the number of items on the current page. HOW TO TEST -In the project under the test folder>java> create a test -Call you object from PaginationHelper in the test class -Use @Test annotations from junit.jupiter -Assertion use static imports from jupiter junit import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotEquals;