how do i comment in htmle
<div> <p>This text is visible. Check the source code for multi-line comment.</p> <!-- Hello, world! I am a comment and I am displayed in multiple lines! --> </div>
how do i comment in htmle
<div> <p>This text is visible. Check the source code for multi-line comment.</p> <!-- Hello, world! I am a comment and I am displayed in multiple lines! --> </div>
how to comment in html
<!-- This is HTML --> /* This is CSS */ // This is CSS to
how to create comments in html5
Insert a single-line, or multi-line comment. Comments are designated by the tags <! -- and --> Use the comment function to hide scripts on unsupported browsers . If you are programming in JavaScript or VBScript, you can use the comment function to hide the script on browsers that don't support it. Insert the comment at the start of the script, and end it with //--> to ensure that the script works on browsers that do support it.
comments in html
<!-- HTML multiline comment --!> /* CSS multiline comment */ # Pyhton comment // Javascript/C comment /* Javascrpit/C multiline comment */
comments in html
<!-- a comment in html that esey to see -->
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