Answers for "horizontal line in html and css"


html horizontal line style

<!-- HTML -->

<!-- You can change the style of the horizontal line like this: --> 

<hr style="width:50%", size="3", color=black>  

<!-- Or like this: -->

<hr style="height:2px; width:50%; border-width:0; color:red; background-color:red">
Posted by: Guest on July-26-2020

which is right <hr> or <hr/> in html

<hr> <!--   it represents a horizontal line break, in HTML4.0 we use <hr>, 
            in XHTML1.0 we use <hr/>,  in HTML5(which is the current version of 
            HTML) we can use both <hr> and <hr/>    
Posted by: Guest on September-10-2020

how to add a horizontal line in html

We can add a horizontal line through the hr tag 
where you will put the hr tag it will create a hr tag 
it doesnt have a closing tag
Posted by: Guest on June-05-2021

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