Answers for "inheritance type"


java program to demonstrate multilevel inheritance

Class X
   public void methodX()
     System.out.println("Class X method");
Class Y extends X
public void methodY()
System.out.println("class Y method");
Class Z extends Y
   public void methodZ()
     System.out.println("class Z method");
   public static void main(String args[])
     Z obj = new Z();
     obj.methodX(); //calling grand parent class method
     obj.methodY(); //calling parent class method
     obj.methodZ(); //calling local method
Posted by: Guest on September-08-2020

inheritance in c++

#include <iostream>

// Example in a game we have multiple entities so we put commom functionality and variables in base class Entity and Create Sub Classes Of the base class
class Entity {
	//This is a base class of all entities
	float x =0 , y = 0;//this is the position of entity
	void Move(float xa, float ya) {
		x += xa;
		y += ya;
		//this function moves entity
// in this example Player  inherits from public entity
class Player:public Entity// inhertiting From Entity class 
	// Player class is a Sub class of Entity
	//Player Class ha all the functions and var of public entity + some additional functionality and variables it is a superset of Entity

public : 
	const char* name = nullptr;
	void Print() {
		std::cout << name << std::endl;
	//Player class has type of palyer and type of entity
	//Because it has additional method Print and var name
	//We can create entity from palyer because player has everything of entity but we can't create an Entity from player because it has additional things	
int main()
	Player D;
	D.x = 5.5f;//initializing inherited variable 
	D.y = 4.4f;//initializing inherited variable 
	D.Move(1.1f,2.2f);//Calling inherited method = "Caleb";//initializing variable owned by player class 
	D.Print();//calling method owned by Player class
	//Now looking at the size of each class
	std::cout <<"Size of Entity was : " << sizeof(Entity) << std::endl;
	std::cout <<"Size of Player was : "<< sizeof(Player) << std::endl;
	//size of Entity output => 8
	//size of Player output => 12
	//because Entity has 2 floats = 4bytes +4 bytes =8 bytes
	//Class Player has 2floats and const char ptr which is 4 bytes for 32 bit application  = (4 +4 + 4)bytes = 12bytes 
	//Note:At the end inheretance is just a way to prevent code duplication
Posted by: Guest on August-04-2020

types of inheritance

//Base Class
class A 
 public void fooA()
 //TO DO:

//Base Class
class B
 public void fooB()
 //TO DO:

//Derived Class
class C : A, B
 public void fooC()
 //TO DO:
Posted by: Guest on March-07-2021

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