fabricmc spawn item
// Spawn an ItemEntity (dropped item) at the specified position in the specified world.
// World World Double Double Double ItemStack
world.spawnEntity(new ItemEntity(world, x, y, z, stack))
fabricmc spawn item
// Spawn an ItemEntity (dropped item) at the specified position in the specified world.
// World World Double Double Double ItemStack
world.spawnEntity(new ItemEntity(world, x, y, z, stack))
fabricmc spawn item
Minecraft instance = Minecraft.getInstance();
if(instance.objectMouseOver.getType() != RayTraceResult.Type.BLOCK){return;}
Vector3d blockVector = instance.objectMouseOver.getHitVec();
double bX = blockVector.getX(); double bY = blockVector.getY(); double bZ = blockVector.getZ();
double pX = instance.player.getPosX(); double pY = instance.player.getPosY(); double pZ = instance.player.getPosZ();
if(bX == Math.floor(bX) && bX <= pX){bX--;}
if(bY == Math.floor(bY) && bY <= pY+1){bY--;} // +1 on Y to get y from player eyes instead of feet
if(bZ == Math.floor(bZ) && bZ <= pZ){bZ--;}
BlockState block = instance.world.getBlockState(new BlockPos(bX, bY, bZ));
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