javascript sum array of objects
arr = [{x:1}, {x:3}]
arr.reduce((accumulator, current) => accumulator + current.x, 0);
javascript sum array of objects
arr = [{x:1}, {x:3}]
arr.reduce((accumulator, current) => accumulator + current.x, 0);
creating array of objects usinng reduce js
const posts = [
{id: 1, category: "frontend", title: "All About That Sass"},
{id: 2, category: "backend", title: "Beam me up, Scotty: Apache Beam tips"},
{id: 3, category: "frontend", title: "Sanitizing HTML: Going antibactirial on XSS attacks"}
const categoryPosts = posts.reduce((acc, post) => {
let {id, category} = post;
return {...acc, [category]: [...(acc[category] || []), id]};
}, {});
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