Answers for "whole division in js"


divide intagers javascript

var quotient = Math.floor(y/x);
var remainder = y % x;
Posted by: Guest on March-24-2020

javascript division get remainder

var y=11;
var x=4;
var quotient = Math.floor(y/x); //2
var remainder = y % x; //3
Posted by: Guest on July-25-2019

how to do division in javascript

//To add in Java script, you have to put an forward slash symbol '/' between them. If you have stored two numbers in variables, just put a forward slash symbol between the variable names.
//For example:
var a = 30
var b = 6
var c = a/b
var d = 30/6

Bot.send (c)/ print (c)// or whatever you use to get output
Bot.send (d)/ print (d)// or whatever you use to get output
//output will be: 5, 5
//Don't forget to upvote this answer if you found it helpful. It will help others too!
Posted by: Guest on May-31-2021

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