//storing array in localStoragevar colors = ["red","blue","green"];
localStorage.setItem("my_colors", JSON.stringify(colors)); //store colorsvar storedColors =JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("my_colors")); //get them back
Posted by: Guest
on July-31-2019
js save and load an array of different types into localstorage
var myArray = [1,"word",23,-12,"string"];//your list of values, they can be strings or numbers//SAVINGfunctionsave(a,b,c,d,e) {//the number of parameters you add is how many items you savevar itemArray = [a,b,c,d,e];//number of items here must be the same as number of parametersvar keyArray = ["one","two","three","four","five"];//must be same length as itemArrayfor (var i =0; i < keyArray.length; i++) {
if (typeof(itemArray[i]) ==="number") {
itemArray[i] ="+"+itemArray[i];//leave a reminder that it was a number
if (typeof(itemArray[i]) !== undefined) {
localStorage.setItem(keyArray[i],itemArray[i]);//only add a value to the current key if it's not undefined
//to use the function (whenever you want to save):
save.apply(this, myArray);//assuming that myArray is the array you want to set//LOADINGfunctionload() {
var list = [];
var keyArray = ["one","two","three","four","five"];
for (var i =0; i < keyArray.length; i++) {
var item = localStorage.getItem(keyArray[i]);
if (item.charAt(0) =="+") {
item =parseFloat(item.substring(1));
return list;
//to use the functionmyArray = load();//sets your array back to how it was when you saved it
Posted by: Guest
on April-02-2020
Code answers related to "best module for localstorage stackoverflow"
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