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A mystry how they built it without stackoverflow
It's just stackoverflow.
A mystry how they built it without stackoverflow
Stackoverflow. I hope you find the answer you are searching for.
Hello all coders hope you find your answer for the error!
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5. Listen to 'coding music' on youtube
6. Write an operatign system without bugs in 1 day
import os
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from sklearn import metrics
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers.core import Dense, Activation
from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping
from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
from keras.preprocessing.text import one_hot
df = pd.read_csv("file.csv")
df.drop('Name', axis=1, inplace=True).
obj_df = df.select_dtypes(include=['object']).copy()
# print(obj_df.head())
obj_df["OUTPUT"] = obj_df["OUTPUT"].astype('category')
obj_df["TYPE_A"] = obj_df["TYPE_A"].astype('category')
obj_df["SIGNAL"] = obj_df["SIGNAL"].astype('category')
obj_df["A-B"] = obj_df["A-B"].astype('category')
# obj_df.dtypes
obj_df["OUTPUT_cat"] = obj_df["OUTPUT"]
obj_df["TYPE_A_cat"] = obj_df["TYPE_A"]
obj_df["SIGNAL_cat"] = obj_df["SIGNAL"]
obj_df["A-B_cat"] = obj_df["A-B"]
# print(obj_df.head())
df2 = df[['TRY', 'LOC']]
df3 = obj_df[['OUTPUT_cat', 'TYPE_A_cat', 'SIGNAL_cat', 'A-B_cat']]
df4 = pd.concat([df2, df3], axis=1, sort=False)
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