Answers for "how to return an array from reduce in javascript"


js reduce

// syntax: array.reduce(function, accumulator-initial-value)
let array = [3, 7, 2, 9, 5]
const result = array.reduce((accumulator, currentValue, currentIndex, arr) => {
  // code
}, initialValue)

// accumulator = will store return value of the function
// currentValue = iterate through each array element
// currentIndex = index of currentValue
// arr = original array
// initialValue = set accumulator initial value
Posted by: Guest on July-21-2021

javascript reduce

[3, 2.1, 5, 8].reduce((total, number) => total + number, 0)

// loop 1: 0 + 3
// loop 2: 3 + 2.1
// loop 3: 5.1 + 5
// loop 4: 10.1 + 8
// returns 18.1
Posted by: Guest on August-10-2021

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