Answers for "nullish coalescing js"


nullish coalescing js

The nullish coalescing operator ( ?? ) is a logical operator that returns its right-hand side operand when its left-hand side operand is null or undefined , and otherwise returns its left-hand side operand
Posted by: Guest on September-14-2021

nullish coalesing

	Left ?? Right
if left is null or undefined , then Right will be the value 

const a = '' ;
const b = undefined;

const c = a ?? 'default' ; // will give c =''
const d = b ?? 'default' ; // wil give d = 'default'
Posted by: Guest on October-18-2020

logical nullish operator javascript

function config(options) {
  options.duration ??= 100;
  options.speed ??= 25;
  return options;

config({ duration: 125 }); // { duration: 125, speed: 25 }
config({}); // { duration: 100, speed: 25 }
Posted by: Guest on January-05-2021

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