nullish coalesing
Left ?? Right
if left is null or undefined , then Right will be the value
const a = '' ;
const b = undefined;
const c = a ?? 'default' ; // will give c =''
const d = b ?? 'default' ; // wil give d = 'default'
nullish coalesing
Left ?? Right
if left is null or undefined , then Right will be the value
const a = '' ;
const b = undefined;
const c = a ?? 'default' ; // will give c =''
const d = b ?? 'default' ; // wil give d = 'default'
let foo = { someFooProp: "hi" };
console.log(foo.someFooProp?.toUpperCase() ?? "not available"); // "HI"
console.log(foo.someBarProp?.toUpperCase() ?? "not available"); // "not available"
logical nullish operator javascript
function config(options) {
options.duration ??= 100;
options.speed ??= 25;
return options;
config({ duration: 125 }); // { duration: 125, speed: 25 }
config({}); // { duration: 100, speed: 25 }
null || undefined ?? "foo"; // raises a SyntaxError
true || undefined ?? "foo"; // raises a SyntaxError
Nullish Coalescing
let x = foo ?? bar(); // return foo if it's not null or undefined otherwise calculate bar
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