function FindIntersection(){
//1) Grab the first and second elements to be compared
let firstString = strArr[0]
let secondString = strArr[1]
//2) Create empty arrays to store elements, after converted from strings to numbers
let firstElementArray = []
let secondElementArray = []
//3) split() a string into an array of substrings
//4) map() calls the provided function once for each element in an array,
//in order, to iterate over each string element you want to covert to a
//number data type, and push to your array
//5) wrap each string element with Number(), to transform from string
//data type to number data type
firstString.split(',').map((oneNumber) => {
//6) build the same function for the next element in the array of strings
secondString.split(',').map((oneNumber) => {
//7) create a variable to store list of numbers, called myAnswer
//8) use filter(), which creates an array filled with all array elements that pass a test
//9) create a test inside the filter function which uses includes(),
//which determines whether an array contains a specified element.
//Basically, is my secondElementArray element(e) included in my
//firstElementArray element(e) when compared?
//10) Wrap your returned answer inside a toString() method,
//which returns a string with all the array values, separated by commas
let myAnswer = (secondElementArray.filter(
e => firstElementArray.includes(e))
//11) Check to find if numbers are there, if not, return false
return false
} else {
return myAnswer;