Answers for "find distinct values in a column pandas"


how to get distinct value in a column dataframe in python

Posted by: Guest on May-30-2020

pandas count distinct values in a column

Series.value_counts(self, normalize=False, sort=True, ascending=False, bins=None, dropna=True)
Posted by: Guest on March-04-2020

unique entries in column pandas

# Import modules
import pandas as pd

# Set ipython's max row display
pd.set_option('display.max_row', 1000)

# Set iPython's max column width to 50
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 50)
# Create an example dataframe
data = {'name': ['Jason', 'Molly', 'Tina', 'Jake', 'Amy'], 
        'year': [2012, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2014], 
        'reports': [4, 24, 31, 2, 3]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index = ['Cochice', 'Pima', 'Santa Cruz', 'Maricopa', 'Yuma'])

#List unique values in the df['name'] column
Posted by: Guest on June-29-2020

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