Answers for "number of permutations python"


pyhton permutations

# A Python program to print all permutations using library function 
from itertools import permutations
perm = permutations([1, 2, 3])
for i in list(perm):
    print (i)
# (1, 2, 3)
# (1, 3, 2)
# (2, 1, 3)
# (2, 3, 1)
# (3, 1, 2)
# (3, 2, 1)
Posted by: Guest on May-13-2021

how to find permutation of numbers in python

def permute(LIST):
    if length <= 1:
        yield LIST
        for n in range(0,length):
             for end in permute( LIST[:n] + LIST[n+1:] ):
                 yield [ LIST[n] ] + end

for x in permute(["3","3","4"]):
    print x
Posted by: Guest on June-18-2021

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