Answers for "Write a Program to determine if the given number is Armstrong number or not. Print true if number is armstrong, otherwise print false."


Take n as input and check which ones are Armstrong number using a function in the range 1 to n in python

num = 370
# Changed num variable to string, 
# and calculated the length (number of digits)
order = len(str(num))
# initialize sum
sum = 0
# find the sum of the cube of each digit
temp = num
while temp > 0:
   digit = temp % 10
   sum += digit ** order
   temp //= 10
# display the result
if num == sum:
   print(num,"is an Armstrong number")
   print(num,"is not an Armstrong number")
#Output-- 370 is an Armstrong number
Posted by: Guest on August-18-2020

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