Answers for "how to make a list pytohn"


how to create a list in python

#creating a list
create_list = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
Posted by: Guest on September-30-2020

python list

# Create list
List = list()
List = []
List = [0, "any data type can be added to list", 25.12,
        ("Even tuples"), {"Dictionaries": "can also be added"},
       ["can", "be nested"]]
# Accessing items

List[1]		# 0
List[-1] 	# ["can", "be nested"]

# Operations
List.append(4)		# adds 4 to end
List.pop(n=-1)		# removes element from nth position
List.count(25.12)	# 1
Posted by: Guest on August-05-2020

python dlist

#this is how  to create a list:
#I named it mylist, but you can name it whatever you like

myList = [1,2,3,4,5]
print(myList[0]) # this will print the first element of the list
print(myList[1]) #this will print the second element of the list
print(myList[2])#and so on
Posted by: Guest on April-08-2020

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