git how to work with remote branch and fork
Step 1) Checkout new branch `git checkout -b new-branch` Step 2) Make changes Step 3) Add to git `git add .` Step 4) Commit `git commit -m "Made changes!"` or `git commit -a` Step 5) Push to your repo `git push origin new-branch` Step 6) Make PR from pushed branch Step 7) Merge into dev after it passes tests * http://jenkins.corp-domain.local/job/AwesomeProject0/ * Click "Scan Repository Now" Step 8) Make PR from dev into master Step 9) Merge dev into master once tests pass Step 10) Update local copy and remote fork * git checkout master -> git pull upstream master -> git push origin master * git checkout dev -> git pull upstream dev -> git push origin dev ------------- Rebase/Upstream 1. `git remote add upstream` 2. `git remote -v` 3. `git fetch upstream` 4. Check out your fork’s local master branch by issuing `git checkout master` 5. Merge the changes from upstream/master into your local master branch by issuing `git merge upstream/master` 6. `git push` ------------- `git fetch upstream` `git checkout master` `git merge upstream/master` `git push`