linux kill process
ps -ef| grep <name or substring of the program> #Find the all program threads
kill - 9 <PID> # Kill it immediately (Second column from above command)
linux kill process
ps -ef| grep <name or substring of the program> #Find the all program threads
kill - 9 <PID> # Kill it immediately (Second column from above command)
how to kill process in linux by name
# How to Kill the supervisord process without the PID
ps -ef | grep 'supervisord' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -r kill -9
kill a process linux
type top
find PID in the menu
kill -9 your_PID
how to kill a process with linux
ps ux #list the running proccess
kill -9 <PID>
linux kill process
kill -9 3827
kill -9 3919
kill -9 10764
kill -9 11679
linux kill process
ps aux | grep chrome
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