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sql to c# linq converter online
Have you tried Linqer http://www.sqltolinq.com
An SQL-> LINQ converter..
Or LINQPad http://www.linqpad.net/
convert sql query to linq online
select category_name,permission_name,trp.add_date from template_role_permissions trp
inner join template_categories tc on trp.category_id=tc.id
inner join template_permissions tp on trp.permission_id=tp.id
where role_id=2
convert sql query to linq online
SELECT MarketingEmailSchedule.id as MarketingID,MarketingEmailSchedule.MarketingGroupSourceId,MarketingEmailSchedule.MarketingGroupId
,MarketingEmailSchedule.MarketingTemplateId,MarketingEmailSchedule.Subject,MarketingEmailSchedule.SendAsEmailId,MarketingEmailSchedule.ScheduledBy,MarketingEmailSchedule.ScheduledDate,GeneratedEmailHeader.Id as EmailHeaderId
FROM GeneratedEmailHeader JOIN MarketingEmailSchedule
ON GeneratedEmailHeader.MarketingEmailScheduleId = MARKETINGEMAILSCHEDULE.ID
join GeneratedEmail on GeneratedEmail.GeneratedEmailHeaderId = GeneratedEmailHeader.Id
where GeneratedEmailHeader.EmailGeneratedCount=GeneratedEmailHeader.SuccessfulEmailcount
select * from MarketingEmailSchedule
select * from GeneratedEmail
select * from GeneratedEmailHeader
convert sql query to linq online
select * from VendorTicket (nolock) where IncidentID in (select IncidentID from Incident (nolock) where ClosedDate is null) and VendorID!=3 order by TicketID
convert sql query to linq online
"Select [Supplier Name] as Supplier_Name,MIN(Invoice_ID) as Invoice_ID, MIN(LogDated) as LogDated," +
"IIF(MIN(CAST([Traning Locked] as Nvarchar(1)))=1,'True','False') As[Training_Locked],"+
"Sum(IIF([OCR Exception] IS NOT NULL, 1, 0)) as [With_OCR_Exception],"+
"Sum(IIF([OCR Exception] IS NULL, 1, 0)) as [Without_OCR_Exception],"+
"COUNT([Invoice_ID]) as [Total],"+
"CAST((Sum(IIF([OCR Exception] IS not NULL, 1, 0)) * 100.0 / Count([Invoice_ID]))/100.0 as decimal(10, 3)) as [Percent]"+
"from[dbo].[qry_AllInvoiceOCRException] where AutomationStatus like '%Completed%' and ([Supplier Name] != '' or[Supplier Name] is not null)"+
"Group By[Supplier Name]"
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