Answers for "automated data import to mysql server with file versioning python script"


automated data import to mysql server with file versioning python script

files = set()
for table in owner_tables:
    if table not in exclude_tables:
        print('Exporting table: %s' % table)
        query1 = 'SELECT ' + table + '.* INTO OUTFILE "' + path + 'tables/' + table + '.sql" FROM ' + table + ' JOIN ' \
                + table + '_owner USING(' + table + '_id) WHERE ' + table + '_owner.scroll_version_id < 1058'
    print('Exporting table: %s_owner' % table)
    query2 = 'SELECT * INTO OUTFILE "' + path + 'tables/' + table + '_owner.sql" FROM ' + table + '_owner WHERE ' \
             + table + '_owner.scroll_version_id < 1058'
    files.add(path + table + '.sql')
    files.add(path + table + '_owner.sql')
for table in non_owner_tables:
    if table not in exclude_tables:
        query3 = 'SELECT ' + table + '.* INTO OUTFILE "' + path + 'tables/' + table + '.sql" FROM ' + table
        files.add(path + table + '.sql')
Posted by: Guest on November-08-2020

automated data import to mysql server with file versioning python script

for file in tables/*.sql; do
    printf "\rLoading table: ${table##*/}\n"
    mysql --host=${host} --user=${user} --password=${password} --local-infile ${database} -e "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;
    LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$cwd/$file' INTO TABLE ${table##*/};
    pid=$! # Process Id of the previous running command
    while kill -0 $pid 2>/dev/null
      i=$(( (i+1) %4 ))
      printf "\r${spin:$i:1}"
      sleep .1
Posted by: Guest on November-08-2020

automated data import to mysql server with file versioning python script

import mysql.connector
from mysql.connector.pooling import MySQLConnectionPool
dbconfig = {'host': "localhost",
            'user': "username",
            'password': "password",
            'database': "database_name"
cnxpool = mysql.connector.pooling.MySQLConnectionPool(pool_name = "mypool",
                                                      pool_size = 30,
db = cnxpool.get_connection()
cursor = db.cursor()
result_set = cursor.fetchall()
path = '/Users/bronson/sqe-mysql-backup/'
owner_tables = set()
non_owner_tables = set()
exclude_tables = {'user', 'user_sessions', 'sqe_session', 'artefact', 'scroll_version',
                  'external_font_glyph', 'image_to_image_map', 'single_action', 'main_action'}
for result in result_set:
    if 'owner' in result[0]:
        owner_tables.add(result[0].replace("_owner", ""))
non_owner_tables = non_owner_tables - owner_tables
Posted by: Guest on November-08-2020

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