sql server delete row
DELETE FROM my_table WHERE id = 3;
DELETE FROM my_table; -- All rows
DELETE TOP 10 FROM my_table; -- First 10 rows
DELETE TOP 10 PERCENT FROM my_table; -- First 10% of rows
sql server delete row
DELETE FROM my_table WHERE id = 3;
DELETE FROM my_table; -- All rows
DELETE TOP 10 FROM my_table; -- First 10 rows
DELETE TOP 10 PERCENT FROM my_table; -- First 10% of rows
delete row mssql
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;
-- Note: Be careful when deleting records in
-- a table! Notice the WHERE clause in the DELETE
-- statement. The WHERE clause specifies which record(s)
-- should be deleted. If you omit the WHERE clause, all records
-- in the table will be deleted!
sql delete all values in a column
UPDATE TableName SET ColumnName = NULL
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