group by mysql and concatenate string
mysql> select Id,group_concat(Name SEPARATOR ',') as GroupConcatDemo from GroupConcatenateDemo
-> group by Id;
group by mysql and concatenate string
mysql> select Id,group_concat(Name SEPARATOR ',') as GroupConcatDemo from GroupConcatenateDemo
-> group by Id;
group_concat in mysql
GROUP_CONCAT(eng_category_name SEPARATOR ',') as eng_category_name
mysql group concat
/* By deafult separe itens by "," */
group_concat(p.nameItem) as listProdItem
/* Used <br> to list itens one below the other in HTML page */
group_concat(p.nameItem separator '<br>') as listProdItem
mysql where in maintain order group_concat
SELECT li.client_id, group_concat(li.percentage ORDER BY li.views ASC) AS views,
group_concat(li.percentage ORDER BY li.percentage ASC)
FROM li GROUP BY client_id
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