insert records into sqlite table python
import sqlite3 def insertMultipleRecords(recordList): try: sqliteConnection = sqlite3.connect('SQLite_Python.db') cursor = sqliteConnection.cursor() print("Connected to SQLite") sqlite_insert_query = """INSERT INTO SqliteDb_developers (id, name, email, joining_date, salary) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);""" cursor.executemany(sqlite_insert_query, recordList) sqliteConnection.commit() print("Total", cursor.rowcount, "Records inserted successfully into SqliteDb_developers table") sqliteConnection.commit() cursor.close() except sqlite3.Error as error: print("Failed to insert multiple records into sqlite table", error) finally: if (sqliteConnection): sqliteConnection.close() print("The SQLite connection is closed") recordsToInsert = [(4, 'Jos', '', '2019-01-14', 9500), (5, 'Chris', '', '2019-05-15',7600), (6, 'Jonny', '', '2019-03-27', 8400)] insertMultipleRecords(recordsToInsert)