Answers for "set primary key mySQL"


mysql change primary key

ALTER TABLE tableName MODIFY COLUMN id INT; /* First you should drop auto increment */
ALTER TABLE tableName DROP PRIMARY KEY; /* Dop primary key */
ALTER TABLE tableName ADD PRIMARY KEY (new_id); /* Set primary key to the new column */
ALTER TABLE tableName MODIFY COLUMN new_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT; /* Set auto increment to the new primary key */
Posted by: Guest on March-04-2020

what is primary key

Primary Key :
It is unique column in every table in a database
It can ONLY accept;
    - nonduplicate values
    - cannot be NULL

Foreign Key: 
It is a column that comes from a different table and
using Foreign key tables are related each other
It is the primary key of another table
It can be duplicate or null for another table

Unique Key:
Only unique value and also can contain NULL
Posted by: Guest on January-27-2021

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