ubuntu reset mysql root password
Set / change / reset the MySQL root password on Ubuntu Linux. Enter the following lines in your terminal. Stop the MySQL Server: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop Start the mysqld configuration: sudo mysqld --skip-grant-tables & In some cases, you've to create the /var/run/mysqld first: sudo mkdir -v /var/run/mysqld && sudo chown mysql /var/run/mysqld Run: sudo service mysql start Login to MySQL as root: mysql -u root mysql Replace YOURNEWPASSWORD with your new password: UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = PASSWORD('YOURNEWPASSWORD') WHERE User = 'root'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; exit; Note: on some versions, if password column doesn't exist, you may want to try: UPDATE user SET authentication_string=password('YOURNEWPASSWORD') WHERE user='root'; Note: This method is not regarded as the most secure way of resetting the password, however, it works.