Answers for "mysql backup db command line"


mysql backup certain tables

-- If you are dumping tables t1, t2, and t3 from mydb

mysqldump -u... -p... mydb t1 t2 t3 > mydb_tables.sql

/* If you have a ton of tables in mydb and you want to dump everything 
--except t1, t2, and t3, do this: */

SQL="SET group_concat_max_len = 10240;"
SQL="${SQL} SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(table_name separator ' ')"
SQL="${SQL} FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='${DBTODUMP}'"
SQL="${SQL} AND table_name NOT IN ('t1','t2','t3')"
TBLIST=`mysql -u... -p... -AN -e"${SQL}"`
mysqldump -u... -p... ${DBTODUMP} ${TBLIST} > mydb_tables.sql
Posted by: Guest on January-15-2021

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