Answers for "what is foreign key in dbms"


foreign key in sql

A FOREIGN KEY is a key used to link two tables together.
A FOREIGN KEY is a field (or collection of fields) in one table that refers to the PRIMARY KEY in another table.
The table containing the foreign key is called the child table, and the table containing the candidate key is called the referenced or parent table.

# creating table users
	user_id INT NOT NULL,
  	user_name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
  	user_pass VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
  	PRIMARY KEY(user_id);
# adding user data
INSERT INTO users VALUES(1,"Raj","raj@123");

# creating table orders
	order_id INT NOT NULL,
  	order_description VARCHAR(255),
  	orderer_id INT NOT NULL,
  	PRIMARY KEY(order_id),
  	FOREIGN KEY (orderer_id) REFERENCES users(user_id)
# adding order data
INSERT INTO orders VALUES(1,"Daily groceries",1);
Posted by: Guest on April-25-2020

what is foreign key

Foreign Key: 
It is a column that comes from a different table and
using Foreign key tables are related each other
It is the primary key of another table
It can be duplicate or null for another table

Primary Key :
It is unique column in every table in a database
It can ONLY accept;
    - nonduplicate values
    - cannot be NULL

Unique Key:
Only unique value and also can contain NULL
Posted by: Guest on January-27-2021

what is foreign key

Foreign Key: 
It is a column that comes from a different table and
using Foreign key tables are related each other
It is the primary key of another table
It can be duplicate or null for another table
Posted by: Guest on January-07-2021

What is foreign key?

Foreign Key is a non-key attribute which is derived from the primary key 
of another table which links those tables together.
Posted by: Guest on November-23-2020

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