Answers for "wikidata prefixes"


prefix wikidata properties

PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wds: <>
PREFIX wdv: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wikibase: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX pq: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX bd: <>

# The below SELECT query does the following:
# Selects all the items(?s subjects) and their descriptions(?desc)
# that have(WHERE) the statement(?s subject) has a direct property(wdt:) = P279 <subclasses of>
# with a value of entity(wd:) = Q7725634 <Literary Work>
# and Optionally return the label and description using the Wikidata label service

SELECT ?s ?desc WHERE {
  ?s wdt:P279 wd:Q7725634 .
      ?s rdfs:label ?desc 
      FILTER (LANG(?desc) = "en").
Posted by: Guest on May-30-2021

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